Here Are The Best Places To Take Online Yoga Classes
There really has never been a better time to explore online yoga classes. We’re cooped up inside, stressed out, and likely, spending more hours hunched over our devices. Luckily, yoga is an affordable workout that requires very little equipment and not much space. It gives you the chance to stretch out, breathe, and release tension. A study at Lund University in Sweden shared that “yoga practitioners reported significant reductions in stress,” compared to non-practitioners. They go on to conclude that it “appears to be effective for stress” and promotes psychological health among workers. For anyone still shy or skeptical of yoga, don’t knock it until you enjoy the freedom of practicing in your own home. It’s less pressure and puts you in control. (That means of the playlist, too.) As a self-professed online yoga addict, here are my recommendations for where to take online yoga classes: 5 Great Options for Online Yoga Classes Image: Sky Ting TV 1. With Your Local Studio or Teac...